“Intendencia: A Town That Doesn’t Exist” 9/6/2024

“Intendencia: A TownThat Doesn’t Exist” was an art show at Pensacola Florida’s beloved vegan cafe, End of the Line on September 6, 2024. It was his first show in his hometown. The basis of the show was to depict Pensacola in a magical way…

The Door, “Bald”

I first saw the door in a warehouse of a fellow artists who was having to get the space cleared quickly. She spent years collecting antiques, curiosities and fine lumber and found herself in a situation where it all had to go. My buddy…

“Gatah-base” #1: “Beyonce”

I never really intended to make alligators. What I wanted to do was make ONE white alligator. I was listening to the song “Formation” off the album Lemonade on repeat in 2016 and there is a line from that song that mentions albino alligators…

“What Kind of a Reverend Are You?”

Originally written on June 11, 2013  I get this a lot. It’s difficult to answer but, I’ll try and explain it here for the first time. Stream of consciousness style. I have fore a while just insisted that I’m not a “real reverend.” Meaning I…

Krewe Toast: Fat Tuesday 2022

There is a Cajun phrase, “tu may manques,” which in English means “I miss you” but in Cajun it means “You are missing from me…” Brothers and sisters, we have been missing from each other for far, far, far too long! We were missing…


Rejoice! Ours is a soulful existence. No matter how many McMansions, polyester fabrics, auto-tunes, modified foods and social networks we surround ourselves with, we are all still native, passionate beings made of ancient matter. We are organic and we have soul. Wood also has…